Microsoft Power BI (Professional)
About Course
This course includes an overview and introduction of the following topics:
- Understand Power BI Fundamentals
- Data Handling and Transformation
- Data Modeling and Analysis
- Visualize Data Effectively
- Building Interactive Dashboard
- Data Sharing and Collaboration
Course Content
Microsoft Power BI
- 04:04
- 08:08
LO2: List the different benefits of using Power BI
04:40 -
LO3: Solve questions based on Power BI
Assignment: Introduction to Power BI
- 04:24
- 02:46
LO2: Perform Lab Activity for Power BI
LO3: Solve questions based on the components of Power BI
- 03:41
- 04:14
LO2: Solve questions based on Connecting to Database
Topic: Shaping Data
04:20 -
LO1: Recognize the procedure of Shaping Data
01:53 -
LO2: Perform Lab Activity for Shaping Data
LO3: Solve questions based on Shaping Data
Topic: Visualizations
04:29 -
LO1: Describe Data Visualizations
03:06 -
LO2: Complete Lab Activity for Data Visualization
LO3: Solve questions based on Data Visualization
Topic: Queries
03:58 -
LO1: Define Merge Queries
01:27 -
LO2: Explain Append Queries
02:10 -
LO3: Solve questions based on Queries
Topic: Joins
00:00 -
LO1: Discuss about types of Joins
00:00 -
LO2: Elaborate about each type of Joins
00:00 -
LO3: Complete Lab Activity for Joins
LO4: Solve questions based on Joins
Topic: Data Modeling
00:00 -
LO1: Define and describe Data Modeling
00:00 -
LO2: Examine the concept of Auto-detect and Create Relationship
00:00 -
LO3: Solve questions based on Data Modelling
Topic: Cardinality
00:00 -
LO1: Understanding the definition of Cardinality
00:00 -
LO2: Recognize the Cross Filter Direction
00:00 -
LO3: Perform Lab Activity for Cardinality
LO4: Solve questions based on Cardinality
Topic: Data Analysis
00:00 -
LO1: State and Explain the concept of Data Analysis Expressions
00:00 -
LO2: Express the concept of Date Function
00:00 -
LO3: Analyze Time Intelligence
00:00 -
LO4: Complete Lab Activity for Data Analysis
LO5: Solve questions based on Data Analysis
Topic: Filter and Functions
00:00 -
LO1: State and elaborate about Filter Functions
00:00 -
LO2: Demonstrate about Logical and Aggregation Functions
00:00 -
LO3: Discuss about Calculated Tables and Measures
00:00 -
LO4: Perform Lab Activity for Filter and Functions
LO5: Solve questions related to Filter and Functions
Topic: Tools, Formatting, and Dashboard
00:00 -
LO1: Discuss different tools of Power BI
00:00 -
LO2: Elaborate about Page Settings
00:00 -
LO3: Describe about KPI Visuals and Conditional Formatting
00:00 -
LO4: Perform Lab Activity for Tools, Formatting and Dashboard
LO5: Solve questions based on Tools, Formatting and Dashboard
Topic: Power BI Apps
04:06 -
LO1: State about Power BI Apps
02:05 -
LO2: Discuss about Gateways, Data flow, and Data refresh
05:51 -
LO3: Solve questions based on Power BI Apps
Module Based Quiz